Click on the different games you can play at home!

Valentines Twister
Try to play Valentines Twister at home with your kids. It's a great way to stretch the body and get the kids moving.

Sticky Spider Web
Try the Sticky Spider Web game. Test and improve your child’s aim and coordination. Prepare masking tape and lightweight objects to play this game.

Easter Egg Hunt
Play easter egg hunting with your kids. The excitement of uncovering hidden eggs is a great way to get your child moving.

Fiit Like Wildlife
Try to play the Fiit Like Wildlife game that mimics animal movements. Let your child’s imagination run wild.

Yoga Poses
Have your child try Yoga. Yoga is a mindfulness exercise that helps your kids relieve stress, improve focus, and stay active.

Water Play
Water play is a fun way to explore, stay active, develop coordination, and keep cool in the summer heat.

Book Worm Workout
Kids will surely have fun and stay active when you incorporate movements during your story time.