Changing diapers may be challenging at first, and you could end up with a literal mess on your hands. But over time, you may find it’s one of those little moments throughout the day that you cherish, another chance to bond with your baby.
How to Change a Diaper
As a new mom, one of the most important (and most frequent) daily rituals you’ll tackle is changing your baby’s diaper. This section will help you prepare for “diaper duty.” Learn the best way to change diapers by singing along to this video
Almost every baby will suffer from diaper rash at some time. Fortunately, there are ways to manage and help prevent diaper rash and help keep your baby dry and comfortable.
Potty training is one of those milestones that marks your baby’s transition into toddlerhood. For first-time moms, this can be a little nerve-wracking, but it doesn’t have to be.
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