Becoming a mom is a wonderful experience, but it also means some big changes, and there is a lot to take in. We’ve put together some resources to help you prepare to welcome your new little family member.
Baby Shower
Throwing a baby shower for yourself or a loved one is an excellent way to help your baby get many of the items she’ll need for a happy and healthy start.
It’s impossible to remember everything that you’ve read and learned about taking care of your new baby, so we’ve provided some reminders about what to do in preparation for your new baby’s arrival.
It doesn’t take fancy furniture or expensive toys to make the baby area perfect — all it takes is some thoughtful considerations to make sure the environment is safe, calm and ready for your baby.
The first 10 days with your baby will go by very fast. We created a quick guide to caring for your baby to help you focus on the special moments and worry less about “Am I doing this right?”
Newborn feeding is a great time to sit quietly, relax and bond with your baby. Moms feed their babies in different ways. Learn more about how to feed your baby.
We know breastfeeding isn’t easy for many moms, so we’ve provided some support to help you better navigate what can be an incredible bonding experience.
In the Philippines, we have partnered with public health experts and local governments to set up the Brighter Future program. The program’s objective is to reduce maternal and infant mortality in the country by helping ensure that underprivileged mothers get the proper pre- and post-natal care they need.
Moms around the world trust JOHNSON’S® to care for their babies
We are committed to working with moms, healthcare experts and scientists to ensure our products continue achieving the highest JOHNSON’S® baby standards.
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